Programming The D3 Object Class

$d3 = new d3([$hostname], [$start_port], [$end_port]);
This is the constructor that creates a new object for you to use to access a D3 server and run its Pick BASIC subroutines.
$hostnamestringHostname of D3 server.
$start_portintegerStarting socket port of the D3 Web Application Servers that they are listening on.
$end_portintegerLast socket port of the D3 Web Application Servers that they are listening on.


$d3->fill_template($function, [$parameters], [$template]);
This function will output a file pre-merged with data fields from a Pick BASIC subroutine. Each field in the file (template) must look like <!--%key-->
$functionstringName of cataloged Pick BASIC program to call that knows how to return data for merging into a template.
$parametersarrayOptional list of named array elements to pass to Pick BASIC program. Usually $_GET or $_POST is used.
$templatestringOptional filename of html template to merge the returned data into. The Pick BASIC subroutine may pass back the template name but this name will override it.


$d3->fill_array($function, [$parameters]);
This function allows you to receive a PHP array back from a Pick BASIC subroutine. It supports both string keyed (named) arrays and numeric keyed arrays. The Pick subroutine decides which of the two array types to send back.
$functionstringName of cataloged Pick BASIC program to call that knows how to return an array back to PHP.
$parametersarrayOptional list of named array elements to pass to Pick BASIC program. Usually $_GET or $_POST is used.


$d3->call($function, [$parameters]);
This function allows you to receive raw text data back from a Pick BASIC subroutine.
$functionstringName of cataloged Pick BASIC program to call.
$parametersarrayOptional list of named array elements to pass to Pick BASIC program. Usually $_GET or $_POST is used.


Returns the version number of d3class.php, currently 1.03 as of August 13, 2005

Returns the hostname of the d3 server.

Returns the value of the given key in the returned data. Best when used after the $d3->extract_data() function.

Returns an array of all fields returnd from Pick BASIC subroutine.

Returns the path to the base directory of the php pages. Usually set automatically when creating a new object.

Returns the first socket port number that the Pick Web Application Servers are listening on.

Returns the last socket port number that the Pick Web Application Servers are listening on.

Returns the last error message string. Error strings stay until cleared.

Clears last error string. This is called implicitly on each fill_template(), fill_array(), call()

Changes the hostname of the D3 server to value of the $hostname string.

$d3->set_field($key, [$value]);
Sets or changes one value of the internal data structure that is normally returned by a Pick BASIC function call. This is useful if you are only using the d3 object for generic template filling.

Sets or changes all values of the internal data structure that is normally returned by a Pick BASIC function call. This is useful if you are only using the d3 object for generic template filling.

Changes the path to template files to value of the $dir string.

Changes the starting socket port number of the D3 web application servers listening on.

Changes the ending socket port number of the D3 web application servers listening on.

Converts a block of textual data returned from a D3 server into its parts and stores it inside the D3 object. This is called internally by fill_template() automatically.

Converts a block of textual data returned from a D3 server into a PHP array. This is called internally by fill_array() automatically.

This function reads a template file and merges all fields found with existing data kept inside the d3 object and the results are printed (displayed). This function is called automatically by fill_template().